
Bringing School to Life: Place-based Education Across the Curriculum


Sarah Anderson, our fieldwork, and place-based education coordinator wrote a book illustrating the work we do at the Cottonwood School. Bringing School to Life: Place-based Education Across the Curriculum offers insights into how to build a program across grades. Anderson addresses key elements such as mapping, local history, community science, integrated curricula and more. She also suggests strategies for building community partnerships and implementation for primary grades. This book goes beyond theory to give concrete examples of how to make place-based education a reality in schools.


Purchase a copy of Bringing School to Life

Other Articles About Our School and Educational Program


Place-Based Education: Think Globally, Teach Locally” Sarah Anderson, Education Week, 7/10/18


Field Trips, Stewardship & Relationships: The Cottonwood School” Tim LaBarge,  For Friends Of Tryon Creek 6/2018


A Place-based Approach To PBL” Sarah Anderson,  At Edutopia, 4/20/2018


“Go Local! Learning In and Outside the Classroom”  Sarah Anderson,  Yes! Magazine online, 9/17/12


Bringing School to Life Helps Teachers Implement Place-based Education in the Classroom” Sarah Anderson,  Green Schools National Network blog, posted 11/21/17


“Taking Hands-on Civics to the Street”,  Sarah Anderson,  Community Works Journal, March 2017


“Home-Grown Citizens”  Sarah Anderson and Anne Gurnee, Educational Leadership, March 2016, Vol. 73 No. 6, pgs 72-75


“Building Diverse Perspectives through Place-based Education”  Sarah Anderson, Green Schools National Network Newsletter, 3/17/17

To learn about our Portland black history 6th grade curriculum:

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