18 Sep KOIN News Visited CSCS for Climate Change Discussion with Lincoln High School Students

Article Title: "Students teach students about climate change, action"
Date of Article: 09/17/2019
Article Author: Kohr Harlan, KOIN 6 News Staff
When it comes to a changing world climate very few are paying as close attention as the generation who will likely have to live in it.
Many of the 7th- and 8th-graders at the Cottonwood School of Civics and Science on the South Waterfront will likely be alive in the year 2100, so they are kids who will live with consequences of what is or is not done today.
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Author Bio:
Kohr Harlan, Reporter KOIN News
I’ve done this job for 25 years and what keeps it fresh and interesting is the different people I meet during the course each day. I love to tell people’s stories. Every complex news item can be boiled down into simple to understand journalism by just telling the story through the eyes of the people who are living it.