Traci Sorell

Cottonwood Reads! 2021

Please join our staff in reading Indian No More by Charlene McManis and Traci Sorell this summer.


Indian No More by Charlene McManis and Traci Sorell

This short book is appropriate for students grades 5 and up to read alone or for families of all grade levels to read aloud. We encourage parents and other community members to please read. The text offers many opportunities to reflect on identity and learn about Indigenous history with our children.

To be followed in fall 2021 with a community book club and a visit from co-author Traci Sorell in November.


Open this document for a synopsis of the book and additional resources to help you and your children explore the Indian No More.

Cottonwood has purchased several copies of the book. Books will be available for families to check-out at school on June 16th during supply drop-off. For questions or to arrange another day to pick up a book, contact Sarah Anderson

Thank you to the Gray Family Foundation for supporting this program.

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